Been over four years now :-) [Dec 21st, 2001 was the first release]. Not dying :-). I’m looking into adding NLS as another Enc+Auth mode. I’m also adding an “Easy Button” to the LTC build so you can trivially turn off the unlikely to be used features (e.g. most enc+auth modes, ciphers, hashes) with something as simple as “CFLAGS=-DLTC_EASY make install” for platforms like my poor IBM PPC 405 which take FOREVER to build… :-) This is my way of compromising [e.g. wholesale removal of most algos]. No ETA on LTC 1.09 as I’ve had no bug reports from 1.08 [that’s not always a good thing…] and I really haven’t worked with the code in a good three weeks or so.